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Sun News, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
December 16, 2001
Digital Versus Film
http://www.pricescan.com/ does camera comparison shopping for you.


December 12, 2001
Compare Prices Online
By Alison Strahan
When you're shopping online, you have the luxury of comparing prices without having to trudge around all the stores on foot. . . . PriceSCAN compares prices for a large range of merchandise, from toys to pet supplies. It also searches for vendors that don't have websites . . . [and allows] you to search for prescription drug prices.

Herald Journal, Logan, Utah

December 12, 2001
Digital Dreams
By Pat Bohn Trostle
Digital cameras are undeniably cool. But do you need one? Can you afford it? . . .
Web links for comparison-shopping: . . . www.pricescan.com

Kiplinger's Personal Finance

December 2001
Shipping News
By Erin Burt
Half of online and catalog retailers make a profit on shipping and handling charges, according to a study by Jupiter Media Metrix. . . . [U]sing a shopping bot such as . . . PriceSCAN.com could help you add up the cost of your order, including shipping on some items, as you go along. Many individual sites don't disclose shipping costs until your transaction is nearly complete.

The New York Times

November 29, 2001
Personal Shopper for Online Bargains
By Richard J. Meislin
PriceSCAN.com (pricescan.com) which began during the internet boom as a guide to computer and software prices, has gradually expanded into other areas. It is simple and clear . . . [it lets] a shopper narrow a search by price and product features in a way that other sites do not, and it distinguishes between United States and gray-market goods.

Panola Watchman, Carthage, Texas
October 28, 2001
By Valerie Ninemire
The holiday season is fast approaching and this year is expected to be the biggest ever for online shopping. Not only is shopping online convenient, since the Internet is open 24/7, but it could very likely save you money. . . .
[T]ake a look at PriceSCAN.com, where their goal is to save you money and take the hassle out of online shopping. Here they have taken a unique approach to listing vendors. The merchants do not pay to have a Web site to be included. The site is divided into two section: "Find the Lowest Price On" and "Find a Store." And each section offers a wide variety of categories.

Mail, Olney, Illinois
News-Banner, Bluffton, Indiana
Sun-Commercial, Vincennes, Indiana

October 7, 2001
How to Find the Best Deals on the Internet
By Randy Benjamin
With the growing uncertainty in the world's economic condition, this might be a good time to explore a few places on the Net where you can find the best price for all kinds of merchandise. . . . Check out . . . www.pricescan.com.

Information Today
October 2001
Forget Surfing, Let's Go Fishing!
By Shirley Duglin Kennedy
So now you know what you want. Should you rush right out to Office Depot or Comp-USA and plunk down your plastic? Patience, Grasshopper. Take the time to do a quick price check using one or more of the better Web shopping bots. Even if you have no intention of buying your printer online, you can at least come up with a price range that could either keep you from overpaying or alert you to a genuine bargain. I kinda like . . . PriceSCAN (http://www.pricescan.com).

Wall Street Journal
September 24, 2001
Out of Order?
By Jeanette Borzo
Rob Leathern, a commerce analyst with research firm Jupiter Media Metrix Inc. in San Francisco, says that consumers [using a shopping bot] can easily be misguided into thinking they've found the cheapest merchant when in fact they've only found the biggest advertiser.
"I think it's a problem when it's unclear what is paid and what is not," he says. "The user can re-sort by price, but in some cases it's unclear if they know." . . .
Not every shopping bot sells placement in consumer-search results. PriceSCAN Inc., of Malvern, Pa., doesn't charge merchants to be listed and ranks them by price alone.
"They've always had more purity in search results," says Mr. Leathern. "They have a very consumer-friendly offer."

Consumer Reports
November 2001
GiftGuide: Snapshots - Megapixel Matters
No matter which digital camera you choose, keep these points in mind: . . . Check prices at comparison-shopping sites like . . . www. pricescan.com. . . . You're likely to find the best prices online, not at a local store.

Convergence Marketing: Strategies for Reaching the New Hybrid Consumer
by Jerry Wind (forthcoming from Prentice Hall/Financial Times)
Chapter 7: Converging on Choice: Give Me Tools to Make Better Decisions
CALLOUT: How can you use brand and personalization to differentiate your company online and offline?
Make unbiased information a selling point: The issue of trust is important in giving advice, and it is becoming even more so. . . . Sometimes companies can gain greater trust by offering accurate and unbiased information. Sites such as PriceSCAN.com make a point of stating their neutrality. A FAQ on the site notes: "At PriceSCAN, we believe that consumers should have access to unbiased reporting on products and prices. It seems obvious to us that if a price guide restricts its listings to those vendors who have paid to be included, then its database more accurately reflects the source of its revenue, not necessarily the best products at the lowest prices."

Pocket PC Magazine
June 22, 2001
Best Sites for Windows Powered Pocket PCs/Handheld PCs
PriceSCAN.com named among best "sites optimized for small screens" in category "price comparison search engines."

May 6, 2001
The Best & Coolest Sites Around
byAndre Poupada
Site of the Day: PriceSCAN.com
At PriceSCAN, they want to help you save money and take the hassle out of shopping.
What We Think:
They have an unbiased price and product information guide.
Best Feature:
When you do a search, you get a list of companies selling the product and their price. So ultimately, you could buy the product at the cheapest price.

Beacon News, Aurora, Illinois
Courier News, Elgin, Illinois
Day, New London, Connecticut
News-Sentinel, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
News-Sun, Chicago, Illinois
May 6, 2001
Treat Her Right: A Guide to Mother's Day Online

by Kim Komando, The Digital Goddess
Mom would definitely not want you to waste your money. Fortunately, comparing the prices of various online merchants is easy. A number of sites specialize in precisely this sort of thing. Among them [is] . . . PriceSCAN (www.pricescan.com).

Free Press, Burlington, Massachusetts
Times, St. Cloud, Minnesota
May 1, 2001
Questions & Answers

by Tamara E. Holmes
Q: I'm planning a major computer purchase. Is there a Web site that will let me compare prices? A: . . . PriceSCAN (www.pricescan.com) lets you see how the prices of different computing products measure up.

April 30, 2001
Death to the Dot-Coms

by Ian Baldwin
Our other top bot, feisty independent PriceSCAN, launched a new directory to sort out who sells what. Otherwise, the privately held company has simply spent the past year and a half growing steadily, untouched by the Internet slump. But PriceSCAN never fit the Internet-startup stereotype to begin with.
"We've been profitable from the day we launched," notes cofounder David Cost . . . .
Would that other dot-coms could say the same.

April 18, 2001
Web Guide: Money Sites
PriceComparison. PriceSCAN says you shouldn't go shopping until you've checked up on the competitive price tags.

Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
March 5, 2001
Comparison Shop for Everything
One of the great uses of the Internet is that it makes it easy to shop around to see if you are getting a good deal . . .
At . . . http://www.pricescan.com . . . you can research countless products of all kinds.

March/April, 2001
Intelligent Shopping Agents: You Choose a Product, They Find the Best Price
by Thomas Pack
A simpler site than mySimon . . . but for some categories of merchandise, you might find more vendors listed with PriceSCAN. The site includes bargains from vendors whether or not they have a Web site. The staff gathers product information from vendors' magazine ads, catalogs, and faxes, and the staff updates the database daily.
PriceSCAN also lets you search for "functionally equivalent" products. If, for instance, you're considering buying a new digital camera, you can enter the features you're looking for and PriceSCAN will return a list, sorted by price, of all the cameras matching your specs.
PriceSCAN is supported by advertising, but vendors do not pay to appear in the site's search results. The results show tables listing prices and vendors as well as trend graphs that show how prices for individual products have fluctuated over several months. Reviews written by PriceSCAN users are available for some products.

Central Pennsylvania Business Journal
February 16, 2001
Good Web Stuff Cheap
by Gary Pinnell
If you want to save money, the Internet's the place to go . . . Shopping for a Canon MultiPASS C755 Pinter/Fax/Coper? Try online shopping bots – robot search engines. PriceSCAN.com comes up with 13 prices, from $179.95 . . . to $256.88 . . . .

Shopping Center World
February 2001
Robots, Iraqis and PS2
by Joel Groover
During Christmas 2000, everybody and his brother lusted after the hard-to-get PlayStation2. . . . Amid holiday reports of people vainly surfing the web for up to 30 hours in a row, programmers developed and actively promoted a variety of bots designed specifically to hunt down Playstation2. But millions of consumers have begun using more general shopping bots such as PriceSCAN . . . to find all kinds of products.

The Globe, Boston, Massachusetts
January 14, 2001
Comparison Shop for Almost Anything

by Charles A. Jaffee
At . . . PriceSCAN.com . . . you can research countless products of all kinds. If you already have shopped for, say, a camera, enter the brand name you were considering and the category of goods it comes from, and you will see how the item is priced by a variety of merchants.

January 2001
Tech Lifestyles: Shopping
When Web shopping works as advertised, it's a matchless venue for comparison shopping. If you want a deal on, say, a Sony DVP-S560D DVD player, you might leaf through flyers from the Sunday paper, cool your heels on the phone trying to extract answers from underpaid store personnel, or actually get in your car (horrors) to drive from store to store. These approaches take time and produce spotty results. But use a shopping bot like . . . PriceSCAN.com . . . and you might save enough time to linger at window displays.

La Opinion, Los Angeles, California
La Voz de Houston, Houston, Texas

December 17, 2000
Los Compradores de Computadoras Pueden Ser Victímas de Ofertas Dudosas
by Olivia P Tallet
La abundancia de ofertas de computadoras en la temporada navideña puede desorientar a muchos consumidores . . . al momento de tomar una decisión de compra, advierten expertos. . . . Para conocer los mejores precios del mercado se pueden consultar portales de internet como PriceSCAN.com.

December 11, 2000
Can You Really Trust Those Bots?

by Bernard Baumohl
There are two kinds of bots on the Internet. The first functions within a closed system and works only with retailers that sign up for a fee. . . . But most bots use the open system and search the entire Web. Though these bots may have financial relationships with some retailers, they don't exclude others. The lesson here: bots don't always offer you unbiased information. . . .
PriceSCAN . . . declares that it is totally unbiased. It will not accept payment from merchants to place a product higher on the list.

Investment Dealers' Digest
December 11, 2000
Goldman Calls Hedge Funds, Pumping Amazon

by Avitol Louria Hahn
"Amazon has transitioned from a concept of a store without walls to a company that requires a substantial investment in physical capital and has now movied into a situation where its products are significantly more costly than other alternatives on the Web," said David Rocker of Rocker Partners L.P. "One can observe this by doing a price comparison using services such as . . . PriceSCAN.com."

Windows Insider
December 1, 2000
Link of the Week - Price Comparison Sites
I have found price-comparison sites to be invaluable. They have saved me thousands of dollars over the years. Some of the best price-compare places, such as ComputerESP, were gobbled up by big Web sites that really don't get what we need. That's why I stick to . . . the best sites, and each one is a Winmag.com Windows Insider Link of the Week: . . . PriceSCAN.com.

December 2000
Shop 'Til You Drop

by Amanda C. Kooser
All it takes to speed up the buying process nowadays is you and your trusty sidekick Internet connection. Visiting all the online price-comparison services could be just as time-consuming as visiting all the e-tailers, so we'll help narrow the playing field to get you on your way. . . .
When it really comes down to the nitty-gritty of bargain-hunting, nothing beats a good price guide. PriceSCAN (www. pricescan.com) offers an exhaustive amount of hardware that you can narrow down by brand and/or features to get a list of retailers and prices. Their slogan is "We want to save you money and help take the hassle out of shopping." It helps. You can even compare outdoor grills as you price laser printers.

Quality Digest
December 2000
E-commerce Raises the Stakes of Quality

by Joseph A. DeFeo
Both consumers and business are being offered Internet options at a dizzying pace. Consumers can get a free second opinion on medical matters and even doctor ratings online. They can log on to price-comparison sites like Pricescan.com . . . to compare the prices and features of thousands of products available on the Web.

Crain's Chicago Business
November 27, 2000
E-tailers Throw More into the Bargain

by Toya Richards Hill
Some e-tailers, however, think discounts are a sustainable driving force in Internet buying decisions. "If you can sell something cheaper, people will switch," says Jeffrey Trester, co-founder of PriceSCAN.com . . . . PriceSCAN surveys the marketplace for items that consumers want to buy and provides a wide array of brands and prices for each item.
As for building cusomter loyalty, Mr. Trester points to neighborhood bookstores. "All those people who used to buy from their local bookstores switched to buying online," he says.
Local bookstores may offer better service than online booksellers, he says, "yet obviously, people have been more than willing to buy books from these (online) guys. People have always compared brands and stores and their quality . . . and that's an old story. But what's new about the Web is the ease with which they can compare prices."

Seattle Weekly
November 30, 2000
How to Shop Online without Fear: Or, How to Get Gelt, Not Guff

by Angela Gunn
Clicking from site to site is easier than driving from store to store, but it's still pretty tedious. Consider using a bot--an automated store-searching site--to do your legwork. It'll take your requests and check various online stores, reporting back to you on who's got the best prices. . . . PriceSCAN [is] among the most popular.

Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Arizona
Beacon News, Chicago, Illinois
Bee, Fresno, California
Courier News, Elgin, Illinois
Day, New London, Connecticut
Easy Valley Tribune, Mesa, Arizona
Herald News, Joliet, Illinois
News - Sentinal, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
News - Sun, Waukegan, Illinois
Tribune, Scottsdate, Arizona
November 27, 2000
Tips for Online Shopping

by Kim Komando
It's true that finding the merchandise you want online isn't too difficult. On the other hand, finding the right online merchant from which to make your purchases is another matter. . . . And there are no ads from the Sunday paper to put side by side to compare prices, either.
Fortunately, comparing the prices of various online merchants is easier than laying out a bunch of newspapers. In fact, a number of sites specialize in precisely this sort of thing. Among them [is] . . . PriceSCAN (pricescan.com).

Courier, Winfield, Kansas
Traveler, Arkansas City, Kansas
USA Weekend, New York, New York

November 26, 2000
Savvy Savings: Comparison Shopping Online

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the thought of searching hundreds of online retailers to find the best bargain, relax, you have help. . . .
Pricescan (www.pricescan.com) -- intuitive site features an extensive selection of merchandise, with a focus on electronics and computer prices.

Farm & Dairy, Salem, Ohio
November 23, 2000
Tips for Shopping Online This Season

As online retailers prepare for a crucial 2000 holiday online shopping season, there are lingering concerns about how to best shop on the Web. . . . LakeWest Group offers its annual holiday online shopping tips. . . .
Compare prices. Use price comparison services (e.g. . . . PriceSCAN.com) to find the best deals.

Journal, Rapid City, South Dakota
November 21, 2000
Net Shopping Has Pros, Cons

With Christmas just around the corner, shopping in the busy stores around town will likely be a love-hate relationship. . . . Still, millions of shoppers will fill their stockings this year from Internet displays in a multi-billion dollar flurry of e-commerce. If you'd like to jump in the fray, where do you start? Might I suggest . . . www. pricescan.com? [It] will point you in the right direction in your annual role as Jolly Old Saint Nick.

Newsday, Long Island, New York
Sun - Sentinel, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

November 15, 2000
by Ashley Dunn
Electronics is a slam dunk for online buying because the selection on the Internet is virtually infinite and the discounts can be jaw-dropping. The problem is that no one place seems [to] have a lock on the best prices and selection.
The trick is to use services such as . . . PriceSCAN.com to find the right store with the right prices and products.

Advance - Register, Tulare, California
Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
Central Journal News, White Plains, New York
Clarion - Ledger, Jackson, Mississippi
Coloradoan, Ft. Collins, Colorado
Courier - Journal, Louisville, Kentucky
Courier - News, Bridgewater, New Jersey
Courier - Post, Camden, New Jersey
Daily Record, Morristown, New Jersey
Daily Southtown, Chicago, Illinois
Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York
Desert Sun, Palm Springs, California
Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio
Florida Today, Melbourne, Florida
Free Press, Burlington, Vermont
Gazette - Journal, Reno, Nevada
Home News Tribume, East Brunswick, New Jersey
Journal, Ithaca, New York
Journal, Poughkeepsie, New York
Leaf - Chronicle, Clarksville, Tennessee
News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware
News - Press, Ft. Myers, Florida
News - Star, Monroe, Louisiana
North Journal News, Peekskill, New York
Olympian, Olypia, Washington
Post - Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin
Press, Asbury Park, New Jersey
Public Opinion, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Putnam Journal News, Carmel, New York
Register Star, Rockford, Illinois
Rockland Journal News, Nyack, New York
South Journal News, Yonkers, New York
State Journal, Lansing, Michigan
Statesman - Journal, Salem, Oregon
Tennessean, Nashville, Tennessee
Times, Shreveport, Louisiana
Star - Gazette, Elmira, New York

October 29, 2000
Save Money, Angst with PC Upgrade Suggestions

by Tom Gromak
Upgrading your PC to keep pace with the latest technologies and prevent it from becoming obsolete can seem like a full-time job. . . .
Finding new parts at reasonable prices isn't always easy, but it can be done if you do your homework. Know how much you should pay. Compare sources. Fortunately this can be done easily online with Web sites that either index prices as entered by registered dealers, or constantly scour the Internet for the latest prices.
Keep in mind some sites work better than others and some sell higher placed search results to the highest bidder. Here [is a site] to check out: . . . www.pricescan.com.

Advocate, Stamford, Connecticut
American - Statesman, Austin, Texas
Bee, Sacramento, California
Courant, Hartford, Connecticut
Herald, Chicago, Illinois
Herald, Portsbouth, New Hampshire
Item, Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Journal, Providence, Rhode Island
Journal Sentinal, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Morning News of Northwest Arkansas, Springdale, Arkansas
Morning Star - Telegram, Ft. Worth, Texas
News, Buffalo, New York
News, Greenville, South Carolina
News & Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina
News Tribune, Tacoma, Washington
Orange County Register, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove, California
Post, Denver, Colorado
Post and Courier, Charleston, South Carolina
Post - Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri
Record - Eagle, Traverse City, Minnesota
Review - Journal - Sun, Los Vegas, Nevada
Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sentinel, Santa Cruz, New Mexico
Southwest Times Record, Ft. Smith, Arizona
Sun - Sentinal, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Sunday Record, Hackensack, New Jersey
Time, Greenwich, Connecticut
Times, St. Petersburg, Florida
Times - Picayune, New Orleans, Louisiana

October 29, 2000
Online Retailers Hope to Woo Back Holiday Shoppers
by Soljane Martinez
[PriceSCAN.com] is pretty good at finding the lowest price . . . . The site gathers product and pricing information from magazine ads, catalogs and daily faxes, not just Web sites.

The Wall Street Journal
October 23, 2000
No Comparison

by Erin White
DealTime also offers incentives to partner retailers, including advertising packages and higher placement in listings. . . . But PriceSCAN won't accept payment from merchants for a higher ranking in the search results. In fact, PriceSCAN plays up its policy of not doing that.
It also points out that, unlike some shopping bots--most notably Amazon.com's Junglee--it's not beholden to a retail parent company.
"We're not owned by somebody who's trying to sell you something who might restrict the products to make their own look cheaper," says Jeffrey Trester, co-founder of PriceSCAN.

Star, Kansas City, Missouri
October 22, 2000
Shopping Bots: MoneyWise Ratings

by David Hayes
If . . . price is the only issue, PriceSCAN was set up for you. The site searches for low prices [and offers] a graph of price trends. . . . Unlike some comparative shopping sites, PriceSCAN does not have "preferred placement" for merchants that pay a fee.

Golf World Business
October 2000
Web Sites Worth a Look
www.pricescan.com. This site provides an efficient means of tracking competitors' pricing strategies from your desktop by identifying the lowest prices for [golf] balls, clubs, bags and travel covers from virtually every major manufacturer. Simply enter the equipment type and prices are returned in ascending order, along with a link to each site.

Woman's Day
September 12, 2000
Secrets of Super Shoppers: Save with the Best of Them
by Linda Formichelli
If going online is your thing . . . PriceSCAN.com (www.pricescan.com) lets you compare prices for electronics, office equipment and computers.

September 11, 2000
Best of the Web
While the lowest price for Palm IIIe in a recent search of CNET was $148, PriceSCAN found one for $139. And we discovered a $372 Celeron desktop system that went for $499 on CNET's site. Click on a product and get a list of Web vendors, with tab choices for prices, photos, reviews and price-trend graphs. . . .
Best: Electronics product choices are the most extensive we've seen. In addition to the usual CD players and cameras, it lists categories for digital picture frames, electronic books and radar detectors.

Times, Maryville-Alcoa, Tennessee
September 10, 2000
Shop until Your Cursor Drops at Online Mall
by Joy Rothke
Shopping sites are frequently touting their great buys and terrific bargains. Are these real bargains? As with conventional shopping, doing a price comparison makes sense. This is an area in which the internet particularly shines. It's easy for a shopper to compare prices at scores of sites by using services like PriceSCAN.com . . . .

ComputorEdge, San Diego, California
August 18, 2000
My Crystal Ball: The Future of E-Commerce

by John San Filippo
Using PriceSCAN.com (my favorite price-comparison site), I checked some Mercata and MobShop prices against online retailers that had the same items available for immediate purchase. In every instance, the group price was higher than the lowest "traditional" price.

Union - Tribune, San Diego, California
August 22, 2000
Open File: Bio Bytes
Dennis L. Mammana, resident astronomer at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, names PriceSCAN among his favorite websites: "'Shopping for good prices on household, personal, electronics or computer items can be a pain, so, for a list of comparative prices for a single object,' this site is helpful."

News - Sentinel, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
August 4, 2000
Web Sites Assist Shoppers in Finding Deals, Steals
by Kim Komando, the Digital Goddess
Perhaps you already know what you're looking for and simply want to find the best price. For those occasions, I recommend PriceSCAN . . . . By drilling down through a series of hyperlinks that refines your search, you specify the item you're looking for. Then PriceSCAN . . . comparison-shops at a wide range of online retailers and presents you with a list of e-tailers that offer the product.

Inside the Internet
August, 2000
It Pays to Shop Around
by Tracy L. Aardsma
How many times have you made a major purchase, only to find the same item offered at a cheaper price at another store a few days later? If you want to get the best deal, you have to shop around. The good news is, the days of mailbox circulars and Sunday newspaper flyers are over. Rather than waste time and gasoline trekking to local retailers in search of the best deal, sit back and do your price checking on the Internet. Price comparison engines, also known as shopping bots, are one of the Internet's latest convenience resources. These sites retrieve product prices for you in less time than it takes to clip a coupon. . . .
Many sites point out that their pricing comparison listings are unbiased. In other words, vendors pay no fees and share no private agreements with the shopping bot to ensure their prices are listed. PriceSCAN . . . searches price listings from vendors with Internet presence as well as those without. And one of the best advantages of PriceSCAN is that . . . it enables you to search for products by features rather than by product name, brand, or model number alone. This service helps you find the most affordable brands of functionally equivalent products. PriceSCAN's returned search results are complete with prices and vendor information, product photos, product reviews, and highly detailed price trend graphs . . . . The product reviews are submitted by other PriceSCAN users, and if you wish, you can also submit your own.

Chicago Tribune
June 28, 2000
At the On-Line Mall, Where You Can Shop Till Your Cursor Drops
It's easy for a shopper to compare prices at scores of sites by using services like PriceSCAN.com.

May 2000
Best of the Web
PriceSCAN earns Forbes' "Best of the Web" designation: " . . . PriceSCAN gets great results. Generally, we found the lowest prices here among all the sites we surveyed."

April 2000
World Hottest Web List
PriceSCAN's books site is rated among the hottest 100 books sites on the net.

Harvard Business Review
March 1, 2000
Cost Transparency: The Net's Real Threat to Prices and Brands
by Indrajit Sinha
Consumers know that they can often find lower prices for books, CDs, computers, and [other products] by clicking on-line rather than by standing in line. But they can do much more than compare the prices of an Internet store against those of a traditional retailer. They can log on to price-comparison sites like PriceSCAN.com . . . to readily compare the prices and features of more than 10,000 products available on the Web.

March 1, 2000
How to Be an Indie Movie Mogul
PriceSCAN . . . scans retail and e-tail stores for the best prices on a variety of merchandise, including DV camcorders.

Spring 2000
Best of the Web
A great comparison-shopping site . . ., PriceSCAN searches thousands of merchants. Navigating the site can take lots of clicking through screens, but you'll be rewarded with great prices on computers and electronics.
We searched for a Panasonic DVD-A320 (recently advertised for $400 in a local paper). PriceSCAN found the player for $299 at Shopping.com, a savings of $101–$40 less than the lowest price [cnet's] Killerapp found. . . . If you use another comparison-shopping site to research a product, double-check your results here.

March 2000
e-Things: Dot.Com Dos & Don'ts
Kate Shoup Welsh, author of Bargain Shopping Online, shares her tips for "grabbing the best Net deals and goods (don't leave your homepage without them!). . . . 'If you know what you want, you can go to a shopping search engine like pricescan.com . . . , select a category, and then type in an item. . . . The site will automatically search multiple online merchants to find the lowest price out there for the product you want', says Walsh."

Woman's World
February 8, 2000
Hot Website . . . for a New Look
You'd love to buy that CD player now . . . but you wonder if it's cheaper elsewhere. Instead of driving from store to store, just click on this website, which automatically finds you the best deals–on and off the internet–on computers, electronics, video games, watches, office equipment, books, and sporting goods. Just type in what you're looking for–a Casio watch, for instance–and PriceSCAN will tell you where you can buy it cheapest and at what price. And it's also a great way to find a few new favorite stores.

Dallas Morning News
January 30, 2000
Searching for an MP3 player, Tim Wyatt struck gold at PriceSCAN.com. "Offering unbiased merchant comparisons and a more comprehensive product selection than sites that get a cut of the sales from vendors, PriceSCAN . . . [found] our player model . . . right near the top of the list for $41 cheaper than the sale ad [from the Sunday paper]."

PC Magazine
January 4, 2000
PriceSCAN enthusiast Brenda Cane writes, "Reading your article "E-shopping Spree" (November 16), I was amazed by all the places you recommend for shopping on the Internet. . . . I found that it is much easier to start with PriceSCAN (www.pricescan.com). I can type in the name of what I'm looking for, and the site tells me where to buy the product for the lowest price."

New York Daily News
December 13, 1999
Searching for Savings Online: Web Sites Offer Comparison Pricing at Click of the Mouse
PriceSCAN.com. Most complete listing for soft goods such as watches. It took three clicks to price a man's Swiss Army watch, and up came eight offerings for the same model, ranging from $79 to $135. Another click got us to the vendor (of the $79 one, of course).

USA Today
December 1, 1999
Hot Sites
PriceSCAN says you shouldn't go shopping this holiday season until you've checked up on the competitive price tags.

PC World
December 1999
Savvy Shopper Special Report
"How can you find the best deals online? Let these shopping agents do the grunt work." PC World's Savvy Shopper lists PriceSCAN among the best Shopping Bots for Books, Music and Videos.

WTNH News Channel 8
November 30, 1999
Cool Stuff from the Web
In a piece on shopping bots, ABC affiliate WTNH in Hartford/New Haven reports, "One of the best and easiest to use is PriceSCAN.com. You can search for everything from electronics to watches and video games. . . . And unlike some shopping search engines, they don't take money from vendors to get a better listing."

November 29, 1999
Internet News with Charles Bowen
Today's report: PriceSCAN, a very special search engine that lets you find the lowest prices on hardware and software, books, music, video games and movies. The reports here are unbiased. Unlike some other shopping search engines, vendors don't pay to be listed here. And the PriceSCAN editors look for great non-web offers too, so the site provides the lowest prices anywhere, online and off. You can even use the 'price trending' graph to see if you're buying a product at a high point in the market.

CNN In the Money
November 26, 1999
America's Romance with Retail Heats Up as Holiday Season Begins
"I also like bargain shopping sites called shot bots," says Preston Gralla, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Shopping. "It does a price comparison for you, and then you can shop at the cheapest sites." Gralla lists PriceSCAN as one of the "good ones."

CNN Newsstand
November 26, 1999
More People Shopping Online Than Ever Before
Brian Clark of Money magazine explains, "There are things out there now called shopping robots, or shopping bots. Places like . . . PriceSCAN.com, where you can actually go, and those sites will search a number of websites, scanning for best prices for a particular item. And I think those are good sites to begin with if you're looking to shop this holiday season."

November 25, 1999
Internet Shopping: Use Those Bots
ABC affiliate KOMO in Seattle declares Shopbots "a nifty way to find the best online bargains" and lists PriceSCAN among the sites where "We got the best prices and selection."

The Washington Post
October 29, 1999
10 Great Things You Can Do on the Internet
"You can purchase just about anything online these days: cars, clothing, antiques, groceries, drugs, beauty products, toys, books, CDs and hardware. Moreover, if you can't find what you want at one location, you can probably find it somewhere else. Best of all, there are Web sites that exist solely to look around for the lowest price; see for instance, PriceSCAN.com"

Bottom Line Personal
October 15, 1999
"Buyer beware: The biggest bargains may not be uncovered by Web sites that compare on-line prices for books, CDs and other merchandise. Better sites–such as PriceSCAN.com–conduct broad Internet searches instead of restricting their listings to merchants who pay for the service."

New Woman
September 1999
"The most reliable bot on the Web is PriceSCAN"

September 1999
"www.PriceSCAN.com is the place for bargain-hunting galore."

PC World
September 1999
Where to Get the Best PC Deals Online
"Good search tools, finds lots of sites, lists lowest prices first, neat graphs of price trends. Overall, one of our favorites."

The Times of London
August 14, 1999
"Searching for a bargain need not involve visiting shop after shop, nor looking at site after site on the Internet. In the latest of our series on how to be a smart shopper, we explain how a quick check of an Internet price comparison service could save you both time and money."

TV Online Magazine
August 1999
"Penny pinchers can easily compare the prices of books at various web stores by going to PriceSCAN (www.pricescan.com)."

Andrew Tobias Daily Column
July 13, 1999
"PriceSCAN.com is the best web price-comparison service I've seen. Very thorough."

PBS Online NewsHour
July 7, 1999
PriceSCAN Offers Best Book Prices Online
"In the end the best answer to the question of who has the cheapest book may be found online. PriceSCAN.com scours the major Internet retailers and provides a comprehensive list of the best prices available including shipping costs."

Merrill Lynch OnLine
July 1999
A Sensible Shopper's Guide to Online Auctions
"Set your budget ... PriceSCAN monitors prices for many products. Finding these market prices will help you determine a fair price for an online item. Moreover, market prices are truer measures of a product's value than the retail price often quoted in an item's description."

USA Today
June 16, 1999
"Several shopping 'bots' will track down prices for on-line merchandise from a variety of vendors. But PriceSCAN promises to gather data from off-line sources as well."

New York Magazine On the Web
June 11, 1999
PriceSCAN scans the Web for deals
"The rule about not believing everything you read goes double for the Internet. And triple if what you're reading has anything to do with e-commerce. What with all the hype surrounding online bargains, surfers are filling up their virtual shopping carts with more zeal than housewives on game shows. My suggestion to you is to take a deep breath, count to ten, and do a little comparison shopping with the help of PriceSCAN. A completely unbiased shopping guide (they make their money from advertisers and not stores listed on the site), PriceSCAN allows users to find the best possible price for items from vendors on and off the Web. Search for products in the categories of Books, Computers, Electronics, Movies, Music, Sporting Goods, and Video Games, and the site serves up dozens of prices to choose from. Okay. Now you can spend to your cyber-heart's content."

May 9, 1999
En busca del balón Nike NK 300 GEO
Hoy, a petición de un joven amigo, voy a realizar la búsqueda de un balón de fútbol al mejor precio, concretamente el modelo Nike NK 300 GEO (Size 5), que al parecer es el utilizado en la liga española y que en el Corte Inglés cuesta alrededor de las 7.000 Ptas.
  1. Para ello accedo a Pricescan, uno de mis buscadores de precios favoritos, Pricescan
  2. Selecciono Soccer y Balls.
  3. Indico las características que deseo:
    Manufacturer: Nike
    Ball Size: 5
    Maximum Price :40$
Y menuda sorpresa más agradable que se va a llevar mi amigo ya que es posible conseguir el ansiado balón por sólo 19,95$ (3.100 ptas al cambio) transporte aparte, en Acme Soccer. Ahora, ¡a por él!.
Ya sabes visita Pricescan
Saludos OTTO

Martha Stewart Living Television
April 22, 1999
Mark Krause, Internet Co-Host for "Martha Stewart Living TV", reported PriceSCAN to be one of his favorite sites. "If you think about how many hours it would take you to drive around strip malls to do that kind of comparison shopping, there’s just no comparison."
Martha Stewart wholeheartedly agreed, adding, "This is an entirely new way to shop and a new way to find bargains. . . . a very easy way to comparison shop and order instantaneously."

According to PriceSCAN user Martha Stewart, "It’s really great!"

Optimal Wellness Center
January 3, 1999
New Year's Gift for Everyone
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
I strongly suspect that well over 95-99% of the readers of this newsletter are not aware of www.pricescan.com. I consider myself relatively computer literate, but only recently found this gem. As far as I can discern, it is one of the BEST sites on the Internet. It allows one to quickly, and–I emphasize quickly–find the lowest prices on most any computer part, computer software, books (my favorite), videos or music. The site checks up to several dozen other sites and rank order lists them for the ones with the lowest price. This is one great application of what the Net should be doing. I have tried other buying sites before (like ZD Net) but the pages load SLOWLY nearly two to three minutes between pages and it is very difficult to find what you are looking for. The price savings has not been worth the aggravation of having to endure those challenges.
However, PriceSCAN is much different. I will give you an example of a recent purchase. Your editor has decided that he is going to play some computer games for leisure. So my consultant advised me that the Logitech Force Feedback controller was one of the best on the market. This controller lists for $130. I went to PriceSCAN to see where I could find it and in literally less than two minutes I had the phone number and web site where I could purchase this for $77. Folks, that is a 40% savings for two minutes work! There are no membership fees to pay, this is just one free gift. I also purchased a game called Quake 2 which retails for $69 and found it for $23 in two minutes. That is an absolutely incredible 66% reduction in price. The savings are similar for books. I had always ordered my books from Amazon.com, but not anymore as they are one of the highest priced on the market. With PriceSCAN, I can find the best place out there. This really adds up when one purchases a few hundred dollars of books per month.
I have no clue how they are able to provide this service at no charge, but I would pay a fee to have access to it, but I don't have to as it is free. The site again is simply www.pricescan.com.

December 14, 1998
For the Best, Unbiased Price and Product Info on the Web
Go Directly to PriceSCAN !
PriceSCAN, the unbiased, on-line price guide for Books, Computers, Movies, Music, and Video Games, was the subject of a feature article in the December 14, 1998, issue of Forbes.
According to Forbes magazine writer, Scott Woolley, "The wealth of pricing data, and the ability to get it for free at PriceSCAN’s web site, lets a customer click a few buttons to compare prices for the same products–something that would take days or weeks to do off-line."
Woolley noted that besides PriceSCAN’s unbiased price guide, that "some media giants and Internet heavyweights offer real-time comparison shopping at their web sites. But will readers really see the Web’s best price?" he asks. Consider Junglee, an on-line shopping "bot" that was recently acquired by Amazon.com.
Woolley noted that, "Junglee searches only on sites that kick-back a cut of the sales that are generated by its software. Yet, some of the cheapest booksellers can’t spare the referral fee and don’t pay it–and so aren’t listed."
Additionally, the reporter notes that, "Fears that Junglee will skew its price shopping in Amazon’s favor prompted Internet giant, YAHOO! to abandon its relationship with Junglee..."
"Yet even YAHOO!’s shopping software will initially sample prices only at vendors that have paid to be listed as part of YAHOO!’s on-line-mall," the reporter ironically notes.
Of course, even from the very beginning, at PriceSCAN we believed that consumers should have access to unbiased reporting on products and prices. And it seemed obvious to us that if a price guide restricts its listings to those vendors who have paid to be included, then its database more accurately reflects the source of its revenue, not necessarily the best products at the lowest prices. At PriceSCAN we accept no money from any vendors for listing their products and prices.
According to PriceSCAN co-founder, Jeffrey Trester, "People shopping on the Internet tend not to be idiots. They will recognize that more objective comparisons exist elsewhere."
PriceSCAN President, David Cost agreed. According to Cost, with PriceSCAN, "Big vendors can’t get away with charging higher prices just because customers don’t know any better."

December 1998
Purchasing Power
PriceSCAN was named one of "the best of the comparison-shopping sites".

Entrepreneur Magazine
October 1998
Browsing for Dollars Pays Big Dividends
Browsing for Dollars? According to Entrepreneur magazine’s web writer, Robert McGarvey, "With computer prices ever more volatile, buying new hardware can seem like an expensive round of Russian roulette. How can you be sure you’re getting a good deal? Check out PriceSCAN."
"PriceSCAN is free," writes McGarvey, "but it can pay big dividends. In a recent check of Macintosh Powerbook prices, the difference between the high and low prices for identical laptops was a staggering $1,249."

October 5, 1998
PriceSCAN: A "No-Painer"
When You Use PriceSCAN to Buy Your PC
According to Forbes magazine writer, Stephen Manes, "For sheer enjoyment, shopping for a computer ranks between buying a used car and undergoing a root canal." However, during his tortured quest for the machine of his dreams, Manes found some relief and a lot of comparative pricing help on PriceSCAN.
"True, good deals abound on the Web (and bad ones–the useful www.pricescan.com often displays an amazing range of prices for identical items)," wrote Manes as he began his ordeal. Later, after a trip to Office Max, Manes writes, "Back home, I confirm that IBM's 'estimated reseller price' for the E2N is $799. That's the best deal PriceSCAN can find." But what about the monitor?
"PriceSCAN finds it on the Web for $759, $100 below list," writes Manes.
Glad to be of some relief!

PriceSCAN gets "Connected With Gina Smith!"
On ABC Radio Networks

June 27, 1998
PriceSCAN president, David Cost, was featured on "Connected With Gina Smith!" The national radio program, hosted by the ABC News and Technology Correspondent, is a user-friendly mix of listener questions, computer news and consumer tips.

YAHOO! Internet Life Magazine Rates
PriceSCAN Top Computer Price Guide!

June 1998
PriceSCAN was named one of the 50 most incredibly useful sites on the internet in the June issue of YAHOO! Internet Life.
They told reader's to point their browsers to PriceSCAN to "get the best price for computers, software and supplies." "Updated daily–more than any other site of its kind–this site refreshes its price database by scouring magazine ads and vendor catalogs to bring you the most current look at who's selling what for how much."
Says YAHOO!, with PriceSCAN, there is "No need to watch for specials and sales anymore."

PriceSCAN Does the Job!

June 3, 1998
According to Michael Tchong's noted Internet newsletter ICONOCAST, "While many e-commerce sites claim to have the lowest prices, there is no easy way to verify their claims.
One site, http://www.pricescan.com, now makes getting the best prices for computers, software and supplies a cinch."
"PriceSCAN is a perfect example of the power of the Internet at work," says ICONOCAST.

All the News That's Fit to Print
April 9, 1998
In a review of great, new, computer products The New York Times noted that,
"By the way, PriceSCAN is a handy web service that scouts the Internet
for the lowest prices on thousands of items related to computers."
Since December 10, PriceSCAN has been featured as a noteworthy site
on the NYT on-line CyberTimes.

(Washington) Post-It Note!
March 6, 1998
In a review of on-line computer price guides, Washington Post reporter, Rob Pegoraro, noted PriceSCAN's clarity of design and ease of use. Additionally, according to Pegoraro, PriceSCAN "was a huge help to stressed-out bargain hunters."

Computer Shopper's Smart Shopper Says...
March 1, 1998
According to reporter Greg Keizer, in the March '98 issue of Computer Shopper magazine, PriceSCAN, "hides an amazingly effective search-and-compare service under a seemingly plain interface."
Additionally, writes Keizer, he found PriceSCAN's graph for each product on our database showing the high, low, and average price trends over the past several weeks, a "nifty extra not found anywhere else."

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Last Updated
January 17, 2025